Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Indonesian Middle-Aged Man Voice Talent

For business people who are looking for an Indonesian voice over with deep voice, you can try this middle-aged man one. 

This one is bilingual, Indonesian and English, a very short video. It's about how to lead people to take a course online and I have been using it via Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Middle aged voice over for business is a worth try for anybody who decide to expand their business in Indonesia, one of the countries in the world with the greatest population.

middle-aged man indonesia voice over talent
Man of humor and talents, you can try me and I'll be providing the service of voice over or creating a whiteboard animation video like the sample above. Charismatic, Father. Deep. This is the middle-aged Indonesian service.

Now, let me put it in bahasa Indonesia:

Selamat datang para pebisnis, senang berjumpa dengan Anda. Saya akan lakukan yang terbaik utnuk memajukan bisnis Anda. Anda adalah salah satu orang yang beruntung karena telah mampir kemari. Saya menawarkan jasa sulih suara paruh baya, mudah-mudahan Anda tertarik, terima kasih.

Freely translated:

Welcome business people. It is nice to know you. I will do my best to improve or expand your business. You are such a lucky person for being here. I am offering you a service of middle-aged man voice over. Hopefully you'll get interested in it, Thank you.

Stick to or share this information if you think it's necessary in order that people know there's a man of humor and talent, claiming himself as an indonesian middle-aded voice over talent to help anybody in the world get as much profit as they want.

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